GOJO GUEST HOUSEの古き良き空気感に似合う図案をポスターにしました。額装してもらえたら嬉しいけど、いつでも見える壁に貼って日に焼けていく経年変化を楽しむのも格好良いはず。その日によって顔に見えたり、文字に見えたり、ふとした時にぼーっと眺めて何かに気づくきっかけになってくれたら本望です。
発送:定形外郵便・全国一律 350円
1985年、神奈川県藤沢市生まれ。武蔵野美術大学卒業後、広告制作会社、デザイン事務所勤務を経てフリーランス。現在は東京を中心に宣伝美術をはじめとするデザイン、企画に従事する他、リトルプレス「SOBA」、「PARA BOOK PRESS」を主宰し、「LOVE ME AND MISO SOUP.」や「YOU ARE IN HEAVEN.」など日本の食文化や銭湯を媒介に様々なメディアで作品を制作する。左利き寄りの両利き。
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fckngkj/
[gojogojo poster]
< You can get one FREE GOJOGOJO POSTER for each shipment ordering from overseas. We're sorry that shipping fees are so expensive. We always appreciate your support!! >
Gojo Guest House original poster designed by FUKUNAGAKOJI
[Product Description]
We made a poster with a design that suits the good old atmosphere of Gojo Guest House. Would be happy to have it framed, but it’d be also cool to have it on the wall where you can see everyday and enjoy its change over time. One day it may look like a face or letters on another day. I’d be happy if it helps to spark that little something in your mind from staring into the design.
420mm x 594mm (A2 size)
- EMS (International shipping)
We have 2 kinds of shipment ordering from overseas.
①If your order includes ceramic items, please choose "EMS(with ceramics)”.
②If your order does NOT include any ceramic items, please choose "EMS(without ceramics)”.
*Please understand that we may have to cancel your order if you choose the wrong shipment
*The shipping fee is the same when you buy 1 item or several items.
Due to the current conditions of COVID-19, we are unable to ship to the US and AUSTRALIA. Please refer to the link below for more information.
If you see that the shipment fee to your area/country is over 90,000JPY, it means that shipping is currently unavailable.
Born in Fujisawa city, Kanagawa prefecture in 1985. He has worked for an advertising company and a design office after graduating from Musashino Art University, then soon as a freelance designer. Today he is based mainly in Tokyo where he designs advertisements and engaged in events. He has directed for the self-published [SOBA] and [PARA BOOK PRESS]. Shows Japanese cuisine, sento and culture by making many creations such as [LOVE ME AND MISO SOUP] and [YOU ARE IN HEAVEN] through various media. Both-handed, but more of a lefty.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fckngkj/